Minggu, 30 November 2008

MaTHeMatics HistoRy

For me mathematics history is like riset of design from structur, change and rooms. But in views of formalis, Mathemtic is examination of axioma which is explain about abstract structure used symbolic logic and mathematics notation.
Mthematics history always learning all about the famous mathematics inventor at the past time who are had give the result of their thought for growth mathematic in the world. Not only mathematic inventor from Western ( Eropa and America ), but also from Eastern ( Arab Moslem, India and China ).

Mathematics History
by Geografis

- finding number system first time, also find the heavy system and system measure.
- use of clay tablet.
- influencing mathematics yunani.
- introducing multipurpose number system
- using algebra
- modern system use denary
- using mathematics astronomy

- using system denary and phi= 3.125
- people of babilonia of calculator inventor first time
- recognizing geometry as astronomical enumeration bases
- people babilonia use the approach grow on the square and number of is non square like 17/12 untuk akar 2
- its geometry have the character of aljabaris.

- brahmagupta introduce the negative number, zero and solving of square equation
- brahmagupta find the relation of around a circle
- aryabhata find the stanam-stanam gunam, that is modern decimal notation base
- subasutra of formula inventor early a2 + b2 = c2

- recognizing system of number and symbol in year 2100 BC
- correctness of mensurvey year 2700 BC
- Recognizing tripel phytagoras ( right angle )
- system of number mesir is additive pattern from aritmetika
- using some sign in algebra mesir
- recognizing theorem phytagoras
- using number in papyrus moscow.

- al khawarizmi is inventor conception early zero
- archimedes is inventor of parabola name which its meaning part of right angle;corner of cone
- apollonius is inventor enumeration quickly
- diophantus of inventor aritmetika
- archimedes explains the flat geometry
- archimedes of formula inventor
- recognizing prime number
- born of ball trig
- recognizing astronomical science.

- recognizing the nature of right triangle
- mathematics strength of ancient china lay in the algebra
- have used the negative number far before culture of other
- organic culture cause weak at stiff verification